DOKU connects businesses to more than 20 bank and non-financial institutions in Indonesia to open wider payment options and provide an exciting payment experience.
Virtual Account
Virtual Account Danamon
Via Danamon ATM
- Insert Danamon ATM Card, and then enter ATM PIN.
- Choose "Pembayaran" menu, and then "Lainnya" .
- Choose "Virtual Account" menu.
- Enter account number with "Virtual Account Number" ex. 8922010400000123.
- When Transfer Confirmation appears, choose "Ya" / "Lanjut".
- Transaction is done. Please keep transaction receipt.
Via other Bank ATM
- Insert ATM card, then enter ATM PIN.
- Choose menu "Transfer Antar Bank".
- Enter Destination Bank Code: Danamon (Kode Bank Code: 011) + Virtual Account Number ex. 8922010400000130.
- Enter "Amount".
- When Transfer Confirmation appears, choose "Ya" / "Lanjut".
- Transaction is done. Please keep transaction receipt.
Virtual Account CIMB Niaga
Via CIMB Niaga ATM
- Insert CIMB Niaga ATM card, then enter "ATM PIN".
- Choose "Transfer".
- Choose "Rekening CIMB Niaga".
- Enter "Amount" then enter "Virtual Account Number".
- When confirmation appears, choose "Ya" / "Lanjut".
- Transaction is done, please keep your receipt.
Via CIMB NIAGA Mobile Banking
- Login Mobile Banking CIMB Niaga.
- Choose menu Transfer, then choose Rekening Ponsel/CIMB Niaga.
- Choose "Rekening sumber".
- Choose "Rekening Tujuan": CASA.
- Enter "Virtual Account Number" and "Amount".
- When confirmation appears, choose "Ya" / "Lanjut".
- Transaction is done, please keep your receipt.
Via CIMB Niaga Internet Banking
- Login to CIMB Niaga Internet Banking.
- Choose menu "TRANSFER".
- Choose source account in "Transfer From", enter amount, then in "Transfer To" field choose "Other Account (CIMB Niaga/Rekening Ponsel)", then click "NEXT".
- Choose "BANK CIMB NIAGA", then enter "Virtual Account Number" in "Beneficiary" field, then click "NEXT".
- Enter "mPIN" then click "Submit".
- Transaction is done, please keep your receipt.
Via CIMB Niaga Teller
- Visit CIMB Niaga Teller in CIMB Niaga office.
- Fill Cash Deposit Form including Virtual Account Number ex. 5149107700000124 and amount.
- Submit Cash Deposit Form and cash money to CIMB Niaga Teller.
- Transaction is done, please keep Cash Deposit Form copy as receipt.
Via Other Bank ATM
- Insert ATM card, then enter ATM PIN.
- Choose menu Transfer Antar Bank
- Enter Kode Bank Tujuan : CIMB Niaga (Kode Bank : 022) + Virtual Account Number ex. 5149107700000124.
- Enter amount.
- When Transfer Confirmation appears, choose "Ya" / "Lanjut".
- Transaction is done, please keep your receipt.
Virtual Account ATM Bersama
How to pay at ATM
- Enter PIN
- Choose "Transfer". If using Other Banks' ATM, choose "Others" then "Transfer"
- Choose "Other Bank Account"
- Enter the bank code (Permata is 013) followed by the 16 digit payment code ex. 8856073400000124 as the destination account, then choose "Correct"
- Enter the exact amount as your transaction value. Incorrect transfer amount will result in failed payment
- Confirm that the bank code, payment code, and transaction amount is correct, then choose "Correct"
- Done
How to Pay Using Internet Banking
Note: Payment cannot be done using BCA Internet Banking (KlikBCA)
- Login to your internet banking account
- Choose "Transfer" and choose "Other Bank Account". Enter the bank code (Permata is 013) as the destination account
- Enter the exact amount as your transaction value
- Enter the destination amount using your 16 digit payment code ex. 8856073400000124
- Confirm that the bank code, payment code, and transaction amount is correct, then choose "Correct"
- Done
Virtual Account ATM Mandiri
Via Mandiri ATM
- Insert Mandiri ATM card, then enter ATM PIN.
- Choose menu "Bayar/Beli"
- Choose menu "Lainnya" then another "Lainnya"
- Choose menu "Ecommerce"
- Input the first 5 digits from Mandiri VA number (e.g. 88899)
- Input the full VA number ex. 8889924400000125
- Input the amount
- VA number, Name, and Amount will appear on screen
- Press 1 and choose "YA"
- Confirm payment and choose "YA"
- Transaction is done. Please keep your receipt.
Via Internet Banking Individual Bank Mandiri
- Access
- Input User ID and PIN, then click login
- Choose Menu " Pembayaran"
- Choose Menu "Multi Payment"
- Choose Billing Name "DOKU VA Aggregator"
- Input VA Number ex. 8889924400000125
- Input Amount
- Click "Continue"
- Tick on "Total Tagihan"
- Click "Continue"
- Input Mandiri PIN Appli 1 from Token
- Transaction is done. Please keep your receipt.
Via Mandiri Online Apps
- Install Mandiri Online Application
- Input User ID and PIN, then click login
- Choose Menu "Pembayaran"
- Choose Menu "Pembayaran Baru"
- Choose Menu "Multi Payment"
- Choose Billing Name "DOKU VA Aggregator"
- Input VA Number ex. 8889924400000125
- Click Go, then Input Amount
- Click "Konfirmasi"
- Click "Lanjut"
- Click "Konfirmasi"
- Input MPIN (SMS Banking PIN)
- Transaction is done. Please keep your receipt.
Virtual Account ATM BCA
How to pay at ATM
- Insert your ATM BCA card and PIN
- Choose 'Transaksi Lainnnya'
- Choose 'Transfer'
- Choose 'ke Rekening BCA Virtual Account'
- Input your BCA Virtual Account number
- Input the amount that you want to pay
- After validation process was done by choose 'Ya' button, please keep your receipt transaction.
How to Pay Using KlikBCA Individual
- Login on KlikBCA Individual application
- Input your User ID and PIN
- Choose 'Transfer Dana'
- Choose 'Transfer ke BCA Virtual Account'
- Input your BCA Virtual Account number
- Input the amount that you want to pay
- After validation process was done by choose 'Kirim' button, please keep your receipt transaction.
Virtual Account ATM BRI
- Insert BRI ATM card, then enter ATM PIN.
- Choose menu "Transaksi Lain", then choose menu "Pembayaran"
- Choose menu "Lainnya", then choose menu "Briva".
- Enter account number with Virtual Account Number ex. 6001100000000877 and choose "Benar"
- When Payment Confirmation appears, choose "Ya"
- Transaction is done and keeps your receipt.
Via BRI Internet Banking
- Login Internet Banking, then choose menu "Pembayaran".
- Choose menu "Briva".
- Enter account number with your Virtual Account Number ex. 6001100000000877 then choose "Kirim".
- Enter your "Password" and "mToken internet banking".
- Transaction is done and keeps your receipt.
Via BRI Mobile Banking
- Login Mobile Banking, then choose menu "Pembayaran".
- Choose menu "Briva".
- Enter account number with your Virtual Account Number ex. 6001100000000877 then enter amount.
- Enter "Mobile Banking PIN" and choose "Kirim".
- Transaction is done and payment receipt will be sent by SMS.
Via BRI Teller
- Visit Bank BRI Teller in BRI office.
- Fill Cash Deposit Form including Virtual Account Number ex. 6001100000000877 and amount.
- Submit Cash Deposit Form and cash money to BRI Teller.
- Transaction is done and keeps Cash Deposit Form copy as payment receipt.
Via Other ATM / Mobile Banking Bank
- Insert ATM card, then enter ATM PIN.
- Choose menu "Transfer Antar Bank".
- Enter "Kode Bank Tujuan" : BRI (Kode Bank : 002) + Virtual Account Number ex. 6001100000000877.
- Enter "Amount".
- When Transfer Confirmation appears, choose "Ya" / "Lanjut".
- Transaction is done and takes your receipt.
Alfa group
1. Customer Belanja
Pilih pembayaran DOKU dengan pola pembayaran Alfa group
Customer mendapat kode bayar
Customer memiliki batas waktu selama 12 jam agar KODE BAYAR tidak hangus
2. Customer data ke Alfa Group (Alfamart, Alfa midi, Alfa express, Dan+Dan, Lawson)
Ajukan permintaan pembayaran Merchant pada kasir dengan menyebut pembayaran DOKU, jaringan alfa group hanya mengenal nama DOKU dan bukan nama merchant
Sebutkan KODE BAYAR (16 digit angka) yang didapat melalui website pada saat berbelanja
Customer dapat melakukan pembayaran menggunakan Tunai dan Non Tunai (Debit BCA & BNI, Prepaid BNI, BCA & Mandiri)
3. Transaksi berhasil
Customer menerima Struk sebagai bukti transaksi dari kasir apabila pembayaran berhasil
How to pay at Indomaret
- Please go to the nearest Indomaret outlet
- Tell to the cashier that you want to pay the merchant (mention the name of merchant)
- Give the payment code from merchant to cashier
- Cashier will process your payment request
- Pay the amount as per requested to cashier
- Please keep the payment transaction receipt
- Done
Via i-Kios Indomaret machine
- Please go to the nearest Indomaret outlet
- Perform transaction using I-Kios machine
- Choose i-Payment
- Choose e-Commerce
- Choose merchant name you wish to make payment
- Input handphone number and payment code
- Transaction confirmation will appear on screen, click Next
- I-Kios machine will print invoice
- Go to the cashier and show the invoice
- Pay the amount as per requested to cashier
- Transaction is done. Please keep the receipt