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  • Introduction
  • Channels and Features
  • Getting Started
  • DOKU Hosted API
  • Merchant Hosted API
  • Other API & Callback
  • Response Code
  • Payment Channel Code
  • Test Data & Simulator
  • Going Live
  • Version
  • Introduction

    The DOKU API supports two methods of payment processing – namely, merchant-hosted and DOKU-hosted. See below for features of each service:

    1. DOKU Hosted (DH) Instant payment services where the payment input form is located within the DOKU page. The selection of payment methods can be done on the merchant or DOKU page. With this service, the customer will be redirected to a DOKU-hosted page upon checkout to complete the payment.

    2. Merchant Hosted (MH) The payment page and data input is native to the merchant’s website, without having to redirect to a DOKU-hosted page. Having the payment form on the merchant page does not compromise the security of the cardholder however, none of the cardholder data will actually be stored on the merchant’s server.

    Channels and Features

    Credit card

    DOKU accept all credit card issued with these Principals:

    Credit card transaction in Indonesia Online Merchant is usually required additional security from issuer Bank, called 3D Secure (3DS). This process will ask the genuine credit card holder to enter Internet PIN or One Time PIN (OTP) that usually sent to Credit Card Holder mobile phone.

    BIN Filtering

    Each card issuer has a unique BIN (Bank Identification Number), which is made up of the first 6 digits in the Credit Card number. The conditions set in the filter will specify which BIN numbers that are allowed to make payments on your site. When a card number that has been blocked by the BIN filter is entered, the DOKU server will not be able to process the payment.


    DOKU supported credit card installment payment. There are 2 types of installment type supported:

    1. On-us installment, where card issuer and card acquirer are from the same bank.
    2. Off-us installment, where card issuer and card acquirer are from different bank. Transaction conversion from regular to installment will be processed manually from each Card issuer.

    Merchant can trigger installment payment by adding some parameters in payment request to DOKU.


    Tokenization enables the customer to make a purchase without having to input card details or personal information, apart from the CVV number. This process is typically used by merchants that have repeat customers who will benefit from a faster checkout by reducing the number of fields the customer needs to fill in. If the card issuer requires 3D secure verification process, the customer will still have to complete this to make a purchase. In order for this process to work, the customer enters all of the card information only during the very first time they make a purchase. DOKU stores this data in a secure form and gives the merchant a token, which is paired to the customer’s login credentials on the merchant website. After this process has been completed, each time they make a payment from hereon out, they only have to input the CVV.


    Recurring payment takes it a step further and allows the customer to make a purchase with a single click on the website. This means that they can skip the process of inputting their card details, personal information, CVV number and 3D secure. The customer will have to enter the card details and complete the 3D secure verification process only during the first time they make a purchase. By eliminating the extra steps, you are able to create a more seamless and easy checkout process, which may lead to a lower drop-off rate. However, please note that this is subject to DOKU’s and the bank’s approval due to an increase in fraud risk.

    Authorize and Capture

    Authorize & Capture is a feature that allows you to block a certain amount from the customer’s credit card limit (Authorize), then hold it for a certain period before charging a payment – which can be a different amount from what you block (Capture).

    DOKU Wallet

    DOKU Wallet is an electronic money service issued by DOKU. DOKU has grant license to issue e-money from Bank Indonesia. For more information about DOKU Wallet, you can check on the website

    Internet Banking

    DOKU accept bank account debit payment and consumer financing payment. All of it is categorized as internet banking payment. Below are the list of internet banking channels and the supported API:

    Payment Channel API supported
    Mandiri Clickpay DH & MH
    BCA Klikpay DH
    BRI e-Pay DH
    Muamalat DH
    Danamon DH
    Permata Net DH
    CIMBClicks DH
    Kredivo DH
    KlikBCA KlikBCA API
    BNI Yap! BNI Yap API

    Virtual Account

    Virtual Account Number is issued for banks or convenience stores payment. Payment is initiated from bank's or convenience store's channels such as ATM, mobile banking, internet banking, or over the counter / teller.

    Payment Channel API Off-us
    Permata DH & MH Yes
    BCA DH & MH No
    Mandiri DH & MH Yes
    Sinarmas DH & MH Yes
    CIMB Niaga DH & MH Yes
    Danamon DH & MH Yes
    BRI DH & MH Yes
    BNI VA DH Yes
    Alfa DH & MH No
    Indomaret DH & MH No
    QNB MH Yes
    BTN MH Yes
    Maybank DH & MH Yes
    Arta Jasa DH & MH Yes

    Direct inquiry

    Direct inquiry is a feature that allows DOKU to inquire Virtual Account Number / Payment Code to merchant when payment inquiry is requested from bank or convenience store. To integrate direct inquiry, merchant should respond payment inquiry as defined in this specification.


    Reusable is a feature that allows merchant's customer to pay a Virtual Account multiple times without the same Virtual Account Number / Payment Code getting expired.

    Check Status, Void, Refund, Cancellation

    Check Status Feature

    DOKU provide feature for merchant to check status of the payment transaction. To implement Check Status, please find API here

    Void, Refund, Cancellation

    There are some methods to modify status of success transaction:

    1. Void is cancelling unsettled credit card transaction. Please find API here
    2. Refund is cancelling settled credit card transaction. Please find API here
    3. Cancellation is an API to Void or Refund success transaction in a single request. If transaction is unsettled, DOKU will request Void to bank. If transaction is settled, DOKU will send Refund request to bank. Please find API here

    Getting Started

    1. To integrate, merchant should have ID from DOKU which is called Mall ID or Merchant Code. Please register on DOKU Merchant to get your ID.
    2. Prepare some URL and page in testing and production environment, especially for DOKU Hosted integration.

    Special Characters

    Due to security purpose, not all special characters are allowed in parameters sent. Special characters allowed by DOKU are:

    , . & ; + : / =

    Currency and Country code

    DOKU use ISO3166 as country and currency code standard. You can see the code list on this URL:

    DOKU IP Address / URL

    Sample of IP filtering


    DOKU has only 3 IP public that can be detected when DOKU call to your application (Identify, Notify & Redirect functions). So to make those applications process ONLY from DOKU is by using DOKU IP Address. Although, High Anonymous Proxy or IP Masking/Hide/Change tools on most current network application can still penetrate this feature, this will reduce most of injection false information to the applications to create genuine transactions.

    Below are the URL of DOKU API:

    Staging URL

    Production URL

    Shared Key Hash Value

    To secure the communication, besides IP filtering, DOKU implements Shared Key Hash Value - an additional parameter from Merchant or DOKU, called WORDS. This parameter value is hashed using 4 options hash method with combination of Shared Key. The hashed WORDS generated by Merchant will be validated with hashed WORDS generated by DOKU System and vice versa. If match, then it will be considered genuine request or response. Four options hash methods that Merchant can choose are: SHA1, SHA256, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256.

    Sample using IDR:


    Sample using USD Currency:


    Below is a sample combination string:


    Or if using currency other than IDR :


    Shared Key is generated by DOKU and displayed in Settings menu on DOKU Merchant dashboard.

    DOKU Hosted API

    DOKU Hosted flow

    Before integration, it is recommended to configure some URL in DOKU Merchant dashboard. You can check the configuration in menu 'Settings > API Setting'. URL that can be configured are:

    1. URL Identify
    2. URL Notify
    3. URL Redirect
    4. URL Review

    Payment Request

    Endpoint Method Definition
    /Suite/Receive HTTP POST Merchant submits payment request using HTML Post from Customer's browser to DOKU Hosted Payment Page

    Parameters for Payment Request

    Parameter Type Length Description
    MALLID N 10 Merchant ID given by Doku
    CHAINMERCHANT N 8 Given by Doku. If not using Chain, use value: NA
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. Eg: 10000.00
    PURCHASEAMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. Eg: 10000.00
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    WORDS AN 254 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order:
    AMOUNT+MALLID+SHAREDKEY+TRANSIDMERCHANT For transaction with currency other than 360 (IDR), use:
    For Shared Key, refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166, numeric code
    PURCHASECURRENCY N 3 ISO3166, numeric code
    SESSIONID AN 48 Merchant can use this parameter for additional validation, DOKU will return the value in other response process.
    NAME AN 128 Customer / Buyer name
    EMAIL ANS 254 Customer / Buyer email
    ADDITIONALDATA ANS 1024 Custom additional data for specific merchant use
    BASKET ANS 1024 Show transaction description. Use comma to separate each field and semicolon for each item. E.g. Item1,1000.00,2,20000.00;item2,15000.00,2,30000.00
    SHIPPING_ADDRESS ANS 100 Mandatory for Kredivo payment channel. Shipping address contains street and number
    SHIPPING_CITY ANS 100 Mandatory for Kredivo payment channel. City name
    SHIPPING_STATE AN 100 State or Province name
    SHIPPING_COUNTRY ANS 3 Mandatory for Kredivo payment channel. ISO3166, alpha
    SHIPPING_ZIPCODE ANS 10 Mandatory for Kredivo payment channel. ZIP Code
    PAYMENTCHANNEL N 2 See Payment Channel Code
    ADDRESS ANS 100 Home address contains street and number
    CITY ANS 100 City name
    STATE AN 100 State or Province name
    COUNTRY A 3 ISO3166, alpha
    ZIPCODE N 10 Zip Code
    HOMEPHONE ANS 11 Home Phone
    MOBILEPHONE ANS 15 Mobile Phone
    WORKPHONE ANS 13 Work Phone / Office Phone

    Additional Parameters for Airlines

    Airlines merchant is required to send some additional specific parameters on payment request. Below are the parameters:

    Parameter Type Length Description
    FLIGHT N 2 01 for Domestic, 02 for International
    FLIGHTTYPE N 1 0 : One Way, 1 : Return, 2 : Transit, 3 : Transit & Return, 4 : Multiple Cities
    BOOKINGCODE AN 20 Booking code generated by Airline
    ROUTE* AN 50 List of route using format XXX-YYY (from XXX to YYY). E.g. : CGK-DPS
    FLIGHTDATE* AN 8 List of flight date using format YYYYMMDD
    FLIGHTTIME* AN 6 List of flight time using format HHMMSS
    FLIGHTNUMBER* AN 30 List of flight number using IATA Standard. XXYYYY (XX = Airline Name, YYYY = Flight Number)
    PASSENGER_NAME* ANS 50 List of passenger name in one booking code
    PASSENGER_TYPE* AN 1 List of passenger type in one booking. A : Adult, C : Child
    VAT N 12.2 Total VAT. Eg: 10000.00
    INSURANCE AN 12.2 Total Insurance. Eg: 10000.00
    FUELSURCHARGE AN 12.2 Total fuel surcharge. Eg: 10000.00
    THIRDPARTY_STATUS ANS 1 0 : Travel Arranger joins the flight, 1 : Travel Arranger does not join the flight
    FFNUMBER ANS 16 Frequent Flyer Number. If no Frequent Flyer Number, send "0"

    Additional Parameters for Credit Card Installment

    Credit Card Installment payment require some additional specific parameters on payment request. Below are the parameters:

    Parameter Type Length Description
    INSTALLMENT_ACQUIRER N 3 Acquirer code for installment
    TENOR N 2 Number of month to pay the installment
    PROMOID N 3 Promotion ID from the bank for the current merchant

    Additional Parameters for Tokenization (First Payment)

    In the DOKU Hosted API, Credit Card Tokenization is treated as a separate payment method from the un-tokenized Credit Card. Please send PAYMENTCHANNEL parameter in Payment Request with value 16.

    Parameter Type Length Description
    CUSTOMERID AN 16 Merchant’s customer identifier

    Additional Parameters for Second Payment Request

    Parameter Type Length Description
    CUSTOMERID AN 16 Merchant’s customer identifier
    TOKENID AN 16 Tokenized Card Identifier

    Additional Parameters for Recurring Registration

    In the DOKU-Hosted API, Credit Card Recurring is treated as a separate payment method. Please send PAYMENTCHANNEL parameter in Payment Request with value 17.

    Parameter Type Length Description
    CUSTOMERID AN 16 Merchant’s customer identifier
    BILLNUMBER AN 16 Merchant’s bill identifier
    BILLDETAIL ANS 256 Product information
    BILLTYPE A 1 S= Shopping, I = Installment, D = Donation, P = Payment
    STARTDATE N 8 Recurring start date yyyyMMdd
    ENDDATE N 8 Recurring end date yyyyMMdd , NA = end date not specified
    EXECUTEDATE AN 3 If EXECUTETYPE = DAY then SUN / MON / TUE / WED / THU / FRI / SAT . If EXECUTETYPE = DATE then 1/2/3/.../28 . If EXECUTETYPE = FULLDATE then list of execute dates in yyyyMMdd
    FLATSTATUS A 5 If the amount is dynamic, use value: FALSE. Use TRUE if the amount is fixed.
    REGISTERAMOUNT N 12.2 Registration amount Eg: 10000.00


    Allow Merchant to identify the payment channel that Customer has chosen. Merchant should configure Identify URL in DOKU Merchant Dashboard settings. Example :

    This IDENTIFY Process is not a mandatory process. This IDENTIFY process also does not require Merchant’s response. Feel free to use or not use this process based on your business process and requirement.

    Parameters for Identify

    Parameter Type Length Description
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. Eg: 10000.00
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    PAYMENTCHANNEL N 2 See Payment Channel Code
    SESSIONID AN 48 DOKU will return the value from Payment Request


    Redirecting back to Merchant’s domain. Merchant should inform the URL where DOKU will redirect. Example:

    Parameters for Redirect

    Parameter Type Length Description
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. Eg: 10000.00
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    WORDS AN 254 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order: AMOUNT+MALLID+SHAREDKEY+TRANSIDMERCHANT+RESULTMSG+VERIFYSTATUS
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    STATUSCODE N 4 0000: Success, others Failed
    PAYMENTCHANNEL N 2 See Payment Channel Code
    SESSIONID AN 48 DOKU will return the value from Payment Request
    PAYMENTCODE N 16 Virtual Account identifier for VA transaction. Has value if using Channel that has payment code.
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    PURCHASECURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code


    Notify API allows Merchant to have a real-time payment status notification. Merchant should inform the URL where DOKU server will send the notification message. Example:

    By default DOKU will IGNORE merchant’s response but merchant have an option for DOKU to reverse the payment if merchant’s response is not appropriate or time out occurs.

    Respond Notify

    print CONTINUE

    Parameters for Notify

    Parameter Type Length Description
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. Eg: 10000.00
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    WORDS AN 254 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order: AMOUNT+MALLID+SHAREDKEY+TRANSIDMERCHANT+RESULTMSG+VERIFYSTATUS
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    STATUSTYPE A 1 Default value : P
    RESPONSECODE* N 4 0000: Success, others Failed
    APPROVALCODE AN 20 Transaction number from bank
    PAYMENTCHANNEL N 2 See Payment Channel Code
    PAYMENTCODE N 8 Virtual Account identifier for VA transaction. Has value if using Channel that has payment code.
    SESSIONID AN 48 DOKU will return the value from Payment Request.
    BANK AN 100 Bank Issuer
    MCN ANS 16 Masked card number
    VERIFYID N 30 Generated by Fraud Screening (RequestID)
    VERIFYSCORE N 3 -1 or 0 - 100
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    PURCHASECURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    CHNAME AN 50 Cardholder Name
    EDUSTATUS A 10 Manual Fraud Review, value : APPROVE / REJECT / NA (default)
    CUSTOMERID AN 16 Merchant’s customer identifier (If using Tokenization)
    TOKENID AN 16 Merchant’s customer identifier (If using Tokenization)

    * Main identifier of transaction success / failed

    Merchant Hosted API

    Merchant hosted integration is more advanced than DOKU Hosted. DOKU provide sample function to facilitate Merchant to integrate with Merchant Hosted API. Below are the list of sample functions:

    Credit Card Integration

    Step 1

    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    To get started on your integration, follow these steps one by one by pasting the template scripts onto your website. The DOKU payment form is saved in HTML format; the template script acts as a placeholder for where the payment form will appear on your page. Prepare your HTML pages as seen in the template, and customize accordingly.

    Step 1: Insert the doku-1.2.js, fancybox.js and fancybox.css onto your website’s payment page, along with your custom style.

    Step 2

    <?php require_once('../Doku.php');
    Doku_Initiate::$sharedKey = ‘<Put Your Shared Key Here>’;
    Doku_Initiate::$mallId = ‘<Put Your Merchant Code Here>’;
    $invoice = 'invoice_1458123951’;
    $params = array('amount' => '10000.00','invoice' => $invoice, 'currency' => '360');
    $words = doku_Library::doCreateWords($params); ?>

    Step 2: Initialize the payment form by creating the 'WORDS' using function sample

    Step 3

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
    var data = new Object();
    data.req_merchant_code = '1';
    data.req_chain_merchant = 'NA';
    data.req_payment_channel = '15'; // ‘15’ = credit card
    data.req_transaction_id = '<?php echo $invoice ?>';
    data.req_currency = '<?php echo $currency ?>';
    data.req_amount = '<?php echo $amount ?>';
    data.req_words = '<?php echo $words ?>';
    data.req_form_type = 'full';
    getForm(data, ‘staging’); //for production environment, change ‘staging’ to ‘production’

    Step 3: Add following example script on to webpage

    Step 4

    <form action="charge.php" method="POST" id="payment-form">
        <div doku-div='form-payment'>
            <input id="doku-token" name="doku-token" type="hidden" />
            <input id=" doku-pairing-code" name="doku-pairing-code" type="hidden" />

    Step 4: Insert the template script where you wish the payment form to appear on your website.
    When completed correctly, the payment form should appear as seen below, and you may start receiving payments immediately. The DOKU script only provides the four fields to be filled in by the customer. All other parts of the payment page, including the logo and ‘Process Payment’ button are customizable to your needs for a completely white label payment flow.

    Credit Card Payment form

    Once your customer has input their card data and clicked the “Process Payment” button, the data will be processed by DOKU. The DOKU server then responds with the card ID, and the browser will post the data to the merchant server, according to the URL set in your action form.

    Payment Request Sample

    <?php require_once('../Doku.php');
    Doku_Initiate::$sharedKey = ‘<Put Your Shared Key Here>’;
    Doku_Initiate::$mallId = ‘<Put Your Merchant Code Here>’;
    $token = $_POST['doku-token'];
    $pairing_code = $_POST['doku-pairing-code'];
    $invoice_no = $_POST['doku-invoice-no'];
    $params = array('amount' => '10000.00', 'invoice' => $invoice_no, 'currency' => '360', 'pairing_code' => $pairing_code, 'token' => $token);
    $words = Doku_Library::doCreateWords($params);
    $basket[] = array('name' => 'sayur', 'amount' => '10000.00', 'quantity' => '1', 'subtotal' => '10000.00');
    $customer = array('name' => 'TEST NAME','data_phone' => '08121111111', 'data_email' => '', 'data_address' => 'bojong gede #1 08/01');
    $dataPayment = array('req_mall_id' => Doku_Initiate::$mallId, 'req_chain_merchant' => 'NA','req_amount' => '10000.00','req_words' => $words, 'req_purchase_amount' => '10000.00', 'req_trans_id_merchant' => $invoice_no, 'req_request_date_time' => date('YmdHis'), 'req_currency' => '360', 'req_purchase_currency' => '360', 'req_session_id' => sha1(date('YmdHis')), 'req_name' => $customer['name'], 'req_payment_channel' => 15, 'req_basket' => $basket, 'req_email' => $customer['data_email'], 'req_token_id' => $token);
    $result = Doku_Api::doPayment($dataPayment);
    if($result->res_response_code == '0000'){
        echo 'SUCCESS';   //success
        echo 'FAILED';  //failed }

    Due to potential fraud, Indonesia is a 3D Secure market, where customer authentication is required to proceed with the transaction. The form of authentication differs form each bank, but typically it involves a One-Time Password sent via SMS. Not all issuing banks in Indonesia have implemented 3D secure, but the majority of them have. Further assessment by DOKU and the acquiring bank is required to grant a non-3D secure Merchant ID.

    You can retrieve the posted data from the form within your server. Then send the payment request to the DOKU server to be processed using our sample function.

    BIN Filtering integration

    BIN filtering

    Doku_Initiate::$sharedKey = '<Put Your Shared Key Here>'; Doku_Initiate::$mallId = '<Put Your Merchant Code Here>';
    $data = array('req_token_id' => $data['doku-token'], 'req_pairing_code' => $data['doku-pairing-code'], 'req_bin_filter' => array("42*1", "4?3??3","411111","5*"), 'req_words' => $words );
    $responsePrePayment = Doku_Api::doPrePayment($data);
    if($responsePrePayment->responseCode == '0000'){    //prepayment success, then you can do payment
    }else{   // Pre payment fail

    In order to apply the BIN filter, you must insert the following conditions into a prepayment request. The prepayment request must be sent before the actual payment request. You can add several conditions by separating with a comma. Afterwards, you may insert your original payment request form.

    Tokenization integration

    Follow these steps to apply tokenization to your credit card payment process:

    Tokenization Step 1

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
    var data = new Object();
    data.req_merchant_code = '1';
    data.req_chain_merchant = 'NA';
    data.req_payment_channel = '15';
    data.req_transaction_id = '<?php echo $invoice ?>';
    data.req_currency = '<?php echo $currency ?>';
    data.req_amount = '<?php echo $amount ?>';
    data.req_words = '<?php echo $words ?>';
    data.req_form_type = 'full';
    data.req_customer_id = '12124';
    getForm(data, ‘staging’); //for production environment, change ‘staging’ to ‘production’

    Step 1: Insert the additional script to your server under the payment data.

    To initialize tokenization, follow the same steps as general credit card processing, but add the additional parameter “data.reg_customer_id” to your javascript under the payment data. The “data.reg_customer_id” parameter may represent the customer ID that you assign to each customer within your database. This ID will be paired with the token that DOKU gives in the status response.

    The javascript with the additional parameter will generate the following payment form, which enables the customer to save their credit card, for faster payment. When a transaction is sent as a tokenization to DOKU, in addition to the 4 fields for credit card data, DOKU will also display on the merchant website a tick box asking the customer’s approval to save the card.

    Credit Card Tokenization Payment form

    Tokenization Step 2

    "res_bank":"JPMORGAN CHASE BANK",
    "res_bundle_token":"{"res_token_payment":"0bea1c1c653dbc8e1e6c24155c629fe237325a06", "res_token_msg":"SUCCESS", "res_token_code":"0000" }"

    Step 2: Generate and save the token during the first payment.

    When the customer has filled in their card details and clicked “Process Payment”, the data is sent to the DOKU server. Because the ‘data.reg_customer_id’ parameter has been added to the payment form, the DOKU server will create a token to pair with the Customer ID. If the customer checks the box next to “Save this Credit Card for faster checkout?” the payment response to the Merchant server will include this token.

    Tokenization Step 3

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
    var data = new Object();
    data.req_merchant_code = '1';
    data.req_chain_merchant = 'NA';
    data.req_payment_channel = '15';
    data.req_transaction_id = '<?php echo $invoice ?>';
    data.req_currency = '<?php echo $currency ?>';
    data.req_amount = '<?php echo $amount ?>';
    data.req_words = '<?php echo $words ?>';
    data.req_form_type = 'full';
    data.req_customer_id = '12124';
    data.req_token_payment = '0bea1c1c653dbc8e1e6c24155c629fe237325a06';
    getForm(data, ‘staging’);  //for production environment, change ‘staging’ to ‘production’

    Step 3: For subsequent payments, retrieve the token from your database and send it to the DOKU server.

    After a successful first payment, (assuming that the merchant has been correctly storing the Token data) only a slight modification needs to be made to the javascript. Add the extra parameter ‘data.reg_token_payment’ as seen below, by using the token value that was obtained during the first payment.

    The sample script will generate following payment form:

    Credit Card Tokenization filled Payment form

    As you can see from the image above, the customer no longer needs to fill out the credit card data apart from the CVV number. When the customer clicks the “Process Payment” button, it will follow the same process as regular card payments.

    Register Recurring integration

    Follow these steps to apply Register recurring payment to your credit card payment process:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
    var data = new Object();
    data.req_merchant_code = '1';
    data.req_chain_merchant = 'NA';
    data.req_payment_channel = '15';
    data.req_transaction_id = '<?php echo $invoice ?>';
    data.req_currency = '<?php echo $currency ?>';
    data.req_amount = '<?php echo $amount ?>';
    data.req_words = '<?php echo $words ?>';
    data.req_form_type = 'full';
    data.req_customer_id = '12124';
    getForm(data, ‘staging’); //for production environment, change ‘staging’ to ‘production’

    Step 1: Insert the additional script to your server under the payment data. To initialize recurring payment, follow the same steps as general credit card processing, but add the additional parameter data.reg_customer_id to your javascript under the payment data. The “data.reg_customer_id” parameter may represent the customer ID that you assign to each customer within your database. This ID will be paired with the token that DOKU gives in the status response.

    The javascript with the additional parameter will generate the following payment form, which enables the customer to save their credit card.

    Register Recurring Step 2

    "res_verify_status":"NA", "res_words":"7553a51a091775a2462eb9150c7135f4a8d58ff161db022ca42e0ef65666ebf0", "res_response_msg":"SUCCESS",
    "res_bank":"JPMORGAN CHASE BANK",
    "res_response_code":"0000", "res_session_id":"4cf212f141a1d7fe672db93db75cc069,PRODUCTION", "res_payment_channel":"15", "res_bundle_token":"{"res_token_payment":"0bea1c1c653dbc8e1e6c24155c629fe237325a06",

    Credit Card Tokenization Payment form

    Step 2: Generate and save the token during the first payment. When the customer has filled in their card details and clicked “Process Payment”, the data is sent to the DOKU server. Because the ‘data.reg_customer_id’ parameter has been added to the payment form, the DOKU server will create a token to pair with the Customer ID. If the customer checks the box next to “Save this credit card for faster checkout?”, the payment response to the Merchant server will include this token.

    When the payment response is received, store it in your database for the next payment using the 1-Click service.

    Register Recurring Step 3

    <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() {
    var data = new Object();
    data.req_merchant_code = '1';
    data.req_chain_merchant = 'NA';
    data.req_payment_channel = '15';
    data.req_transaction_id = '<?php echo $invoice ?>';
    data.req_currency = '<?php echo $currency ?>';
    data.req_amount = '<?php echo $amount ?>';
    data.req_words = '<?php echo $words ?>';
    data.req_form_type = 'full';
    data.req_customer_id = '12124';
    data.req_token_payment = '0bea1c1c653dbc8e1e6c24155c629fe237325a06';
    getForm(data, ‘staging’); //for production environment, change ‘staging’ to ‘production’

    Step 3: For subsequent payments, retrieve the token from your database and send it to the DOKU server. After a successful first payment, (assuming that the merchant has been correctly storing the Token data) only a slight modification needs to be made to the javascript. Add the extra parameter data.reg_token_payment , by using the token value that was obtained during the first payment:

    The sample script will not generate another payment form, but will instead just display the “Process Payment” button.

    Register Recurring Step 4

    <?php require_once('../Doku.php');
    Doku_Initiate::$sharedKey = <Put Your Shared Key Here>;
    Doku_Initiate::$mallId = '<Put Your Merchant Code Here>';
    $params = array('amount' => '100000.00', 'invoice' => '123456789');
    $words = Doku_Library::doCreateWords($params);
    $customer = array('name' => 'TEST NAME', 'data_phone' => '08121111111', 'data_email' => '', 'data_address' => 'bojong gede #1 08/01');
    $basket[] = array('name' => 'sayur', 'amount' => '10000.00', 'quantity' => '1', 'subtotal' => '10000.00');
    $basket[] = array('name' => 'buah', 'amount' => '10000.00', 'quantity' => '1', 'subtotal' => '10000.00');
    $dataPayment = array('req_mall_id' => Doku_Initiate::$mallId, 'req_chain_merchant' => 'NA', 'req_amount' => $params['amount'], 'req_words' => $words, 'req_purchase_amount' => $params['amount'], 'req_trans_id_merchant' => $params['invoice'], 'req_request_date_time' => date('YmdHis'), 'req_currency' => '360', 'req_purchase_currency' => '360', 'req_session_id' => sha1(date('YmdHis')), 'req_name' => $customer['name'], 'req_payment_channel' => '15', 'req_email' => $customer['data_email'], 'req_basket' => $basket, 'req_address' => $customer['data_address'], 'req_token_payment' => '0bea1c1c653dbc8e1e6c24155c629fe237325a06', 'req_customer_id' => '12345');
    $response = Doku_Api::doDirectPayment($dataPayment);
    if($response->res_response_code == '0000'){ echo 'PAYMENT SUCCESS -- ';
    echo 'PAYMENT FAILED -- ';

    Step 4: Change method of payment in the payment request form. Once your customer has input their card data and clicked the “Process Payment” button, the data will be processed and DOKU will send a response containing the card ID. When you retrieve this data from your server, create the payment request following the instructions for regular credit card payments. However, when you make the payment request, you must change the method of payment to Doku_Api::doDirectPayment instead of Doku_Api::doPayment.

    Installment integration

    Below are the integration process that you need to go through to enable both types of installment:

    Step 1: Create an installment form on your payment page Installment integration follows the same steps as a normal credit card payment, only with a few additional parameters. To start, please create an installment selection form on your payment page for your customer to choose their card issuer and preferred payment plan along with the doku-1.2.js credit card form. The installment form may look like this:

    Installment page

    Installment Data sample

    $dataPayment = array(
    'req_mall_id' => Doku_Initiate::$mallId,
    'req_chain_merchant' => 'NA',
    'req_amount' => '10000.00',
    'req_words' => $words,
    'req_purchase_amount' => '10000.00',
    'req_trans_id_merchant' => $invoice_no,
    'req_request_date_time' => date('YmdHis'),
    'req_currency' => '360',
    'req_purchase_currency' => '360',
    'req_session_id' => sha1(date('YmdHis')),
    'req_name' => $customer['name'],
    'req_payment_channel' => 15,
    'req_basket' => $basket,
    'req_email' => $customer['data_email'],
    'req_token_id' => $token,
    'req_installment_acquirer' => ‘100’,  // from merchant
    'req_tenor' => ‘12’,  // from merchant
    'req_plan_id' => ‘001’ // from merchant,
    'req_installment_off_us' => ‘O‘  // only for off-us transaction

    Step 2: Send Payment Request There is no difference in the parameters sent from doku-1.2.js to your server, please do it as you would for a normal credit card payment. However, pair the credit card payment request parameters together with the installment information as you would need to combine the two when conducting the server-to-server payment charging process.

    Step 3: Charge payment to DOKU server along with the installment parameters Send a payment charge request to DOKU using the usual DOKU library, only with the additional installment parameters. Installment_acquirer refers to the acquirer bank code, tenor is the number of months in the installment plan, plan_id is a promotion code the merchant has form the bank, and installment_off_us with value ‘O’ only for off-us transaction.

    Authorize & Capture integration

    The integration process for Authorize & Capture works as follow


    Autohorize payment data

    $dataPayment = array(
    'req_mall_id' => Doku_Initiate::$mallId, 'req_chain_merchant' => 'NA',
    'req_amount' => '10000.00',
    'req_words' => $words,
    'req_purchase_amount' => '10000.00',
    'req_trans_id_merchant' => $invoice_no,
    'req_request_date_time' => date('YmdHis'),
    'req_currency' => '360',
    'req_purchase_currency' => '360',
    'req_session_id' => sha1(date('YmdHis')),
    'req_name' => $customer['name'],
    'req_payment_channel' => 15,
    'req_basket' => $basket,
    'req_email' => $customer['data_email'],
    'req_token_id' => $token
    'req_authorize_expiry_date’ => ‘1440’ // from merchant, per minute (optional)
    'req_payment_type’ => ‘A’,

    To send a payment authorization request, follow the exact same steps as a normal credit card payment charging request, with additional parameters that you send during the server-to-server process

    "req_authorize_expiry_date" refers to the time limit (in minutes) that you want to impose on authorizing a certain amount of the card limit; the maximum is 15 days. While the value ‘A’ for "req_payment_type" refers to an Authorize request. During this process DOKU will check whether there is still enough limit on the card to Authorize the amount. After successfully completing the Authorize process, you will receive an "approval_code" parameter. Store and pair it with your "trans_id_merchant" parameter to later complete the Capture process.


    Capture payment data

    $dataPayment = array(
    'req_mall_id' => Doku_Initiate::$mallId,
    'req_chain_merchant' => 'NA',
    'req_amount' => '10000.00',
    'req_words' => $words,
    'req_trans_id_merchant' => $invoice_no,
    'req_request_date_time' => date('YmdHis'),
    'req_session_id' => sha1(date('YmdHis')),
    'req_payment_channel' => 15,
    'req_approval_code’ => ‘’  // based on authorize transaction

    To capture, simply send a server-to-server charging request to DOKU as shown by example below. You do not have to follow the full credit card steps since the customer does not have to fill in their card details anymore and getToken process can be bypassed.

    DOKU Wallet Integration

    Step 1

    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src=""></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    DOKU Wallet have similar way to integrate like credit card. To get started on your integration, follow these steps one by one by pasting the template scripts onto your website. The DOKU payment form is saved in HTML format; the template script acts as a placeholder for where the payment form will appear on your page. Prepare your HTML pages as seen in the template, and customize accordingly.

    Step 2

    <?php require_once('../Doku.php');
    Doku_Initiate::$sharedKey = ‘<Put Your Shared Key Here>’;
    Doku_Initiate::$mallId = '<Put Your Merchant Code Here>';
    $invoice = 'invoice_1458123951’;
    $params = array('amount' => '10000.00', 'invoice' => $invoice, 'currency' => '360');
    $words = doku_Library::doCreateWords($params);

    Doku Wallet integration comprises 3 steps:

    Step 1: Insert JavaScript

    Insert the doku-1.2.js, fancybox.js and fancybox.css onto your website’s payment page, along with your custom style.

    Step 2: Initiate JavaScript parameters Initialize the payment form by creating the words using function sample

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
    var data = new Object();
    data.req_merchant_code = '1';
    data.req_chain_merchant = 'NA';
    data.req_payment_channel = '04';
    data.req_transaction_id = '<?php echo $invoice ?>';
    data.req_currency = '<?php echo $currency ?>';
    data.req_amount = '<?php echo $amount ?>';
    data.req_words = '<?php echo $words ?>';
    data.req_form_type = 'full';
    getForm(data, ‘staging’); //for production environment, change ‘staging’ to ‘production’

    And add the example script on to your webpage.

    Step 3

    <form action="charge.php" method="POST" id="payment-form">
        <div doku-div='form-payment'>
            <input id="doku-token" name="doku-token" type="hidden" />
            <input id=" doku-pairing-code" name="doku-pairing-code" type="hidden" />

    Step 3: Create payment form Insert the template script where you wish the payment form to appear on your website. When completed correctly, the payment form should appear as seen below, and you may start receiving payments immediately. The DOKU script only provides the two fields to be filled in by the customer. All other parts of the payment page, including ‘Process Payment’ button are customizable to your needs.

    DOKU Wallet login

    Once your customer has input their DOKU ID and signed in to their account, their balance and payment options will appear in a pop-pup window, which follows the DOKU template, like this:

    DOKU Wallet payment form

    The customer may choose to pay with their existing cash balance and may apply a Voucher or Promo Code if he/she has a valid one. The customer may also choose to pay with the Credit Card that has been linked to their DOKU Wallet. Note however, that to activate the credit card option, further process is required. If the Credit Card option is not yet activated for you and you would like to do so, please contact DOKU.

    DOKU Wallet cc payment form

    <?php require_once('../Doku.php');
    Doku_Initiate::$sharedKey = ‘<Put Your Shared Key Here>’;
    Doku_Initiate::$mallId = '<Put Your Merchant Code Here>';
    $token = $_POST['doku-token'];
    $pairing_code = $_POST['doku-pairing-code'];
    $invoice_no = $_POST['doku-invoice-no'];
    $params = array('amount' => '10000.00', 'invoice' => $invoice_no, 'currency' => '360', 'pairing_code' => $pairing_code, 'token' => $token);
    $words = Doku_Library::doCreateWords($params);
    $basket[] = array('name' => 'sayur', 'amount' => '10000.00', 'quantity' => '1', 'subtotal' => '10000.00');
    $customer = array('name' => 'TEST NAME', 'data_phone' => '08121111111', 'data_email' => '', 'data_address' => 'bojong gede #1 08/01');
    $data = array('req_token_id' => $token, 'req_pairing_code' => $pairing_code, 'req_customer' => $customer, 'req_basket' => $basket, 'req_words' => $words);
    $responsePrePayment = Doku_Api::doPrePayment($data);
    if($responsePrePayment->res_response_code == '0000'){     //prepayment success
    $dataPayment = array('req_mall_id' => '1', 'req_chain_merchant' => 'NA', 'req_amount' => '10000.00', 'req_words' => $words, 'req_purchase_amount' => '10000.00', 'req_trans_id_merchant' => $invoice_no, 'req_request_date_time' => date('YmdHis'), 'req_currency' => '360', 'req_purchase_currency' => '360', 'req_session_id' => sha1(date('YmdHis')), 'req_name' => $customer['name'], 'req_payment_channel' => 04, 'req_basket' => $basket, 'req_email' => $customer['data_email'], 'req_token_id' => $token);
    $result = Doku_Api::doPayment($dataPayment);
    if($result->res_response_code == '0000'){
        echo 'SUCCESS';  //success
            echo 'FAILED';   //failed
    }else{     //prepayment fail

    When the customer clicks the “Process Payment” button, the DOKU server will process the data and send a response to the browser. The browser will then post the data to the merchant server, according to the URL set in your action form. You can retrieve the posted data from the form within your server. Then send the payment request to the DOKU server to be processed using our function sample

    After this, you may display the result on your browser for the customer to see.

    DOKU Wallet finish form

    Virtual Account Integration

    Virtual Account payment process comprise 2 asynchronous process: Generate Payment Code (Virtual Account Number), and Payment Process.

    <?php require_once('../Doku.php');
    Doku_Initiate::$sharedKey = <Put Your Shared Key Here>;
    Doku_Initiate::$mallId = <Put Your Merchant Code Here>
    $params = array('amount' => $_POST['amount'], 'invoice' => $_POST['trans_id'], 'currency' => $_POST['currency']);
    $words = Doku_Library::doCreateWords($params);
    $customer = array('name' => 'TEST NAME','data_phone' => '08121111111', 'data_email' => '', 'data_address' => 'bojong gede #1 08/01');
    $dataPayment = array('req_mall_id' => $_POST['mall_id'], 'req_chain_merchant' => $_POST['chain_merchant'], 'req_amount' => $params['amount'], 'req_words' => $words, 'req_trans_id_merchant' => $_POST['trans_id'], 'req_purchase_amount' => $params['amount'], 'req_request_date_time' => date('YmdHis'), 'req_session_id' => sha1(date('YmdHis')), 'req_email' => $customer['data_email'], 'req_name' => $customer['name'], 'req_basket' => 'sayur,10000.00,1,10000.00;', 'req_address' => 'Jl Kembang 1 No 5 Cilandak Jakarta', 'req_mobile_phone' => '081987987999', 'req_expiry_time' => '360');
    $response = Doku_Api::doGeneratePaycode($dataPayment);
    if($response->res_response_code == '0000'){
            echo 'GENERATE SUCCESS -- ';
            echo 'GENERATE FAILED -- ';
    } ?>

    Generate Payment Code

    Payment Code generated by DOKU will have total 16 digits length. The payment code consist of 5 digits or 8 digits prefix from Bank/DOKU, continued with 11 digits or 8 digits number generated by DOKU. Both of request type (8 digits or 11 digits payment code) have different endpoint / URL.

    Step 1: Generate Payment Code By using the our function sample, you can make a payment code request with ease. The request process is performed host to host.

    You can set payment code expiry time in parameter ‘req_expiry_time’. Exceeding this time limit will render the payment code invalid. You may set the time limit however you like, in minute format.

    Sample of generate payment code response


    Step 2: Receive DOKU response.
    DOKU will respond generate payment code request in JSON format. Response contain payment code generated (8 digits or 11 digits).

    Step 3: Display Payment Code in Merchant's browser
    It is suggested to display payment code that already combined with 5 digits or 8 digits prefix for each payment channel.

    Receive Payment Notification

    Sample of virtual account payment notification


    Step 1: After the customer has made a payment, DOKU will send a payment notification containing the payment parameters to your server.

    Sample of handling payment notification

    $BANK = $_POST[BANK];
    $WORDS_GENERATED = <function to generate words> //see function sample
        echo CONTINUE;
        echo WORDS NOT MATCH;

    Step 2: Notify DOKU server that Payment Notification has been received by responding "CONTINUE".

    Mandiri Clickpay Integration

    Internet banking payment channel supported in Merchant Hosted currently only Mandiri Clickpay. To get started on your integration, follow these steps one by one by pasting the template scripts onto your website. The DOKU payment form is saved in HTML format; the template script acts as a placeholder for where the payment form will appear on your page. Prepare your HTML pages as seen in the template, and customize accordingly. The form you create in this step will receive the Mandiri Clickpay input from the customer.

    <script src="doku-1.2.js"></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src=''></script>

    Step 1: Insert the doku-1.2.js onto your website’s payment page, along with your custom style.

    js URL:

    Environment URL

    css URL:

    Environment URL

    Step 2

    <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(function($) {
            var challenge3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999999);
        $(function() {
            var data = new Object();
            data.req_cc_field = 'cc_number';
            data.req_challenge_field = 'CHALLENGE_CODE_1';

    Step 2: Initialize the payment form by adding the following example script onto your webpage.

    Step 3

    <form method="post" action="../example/mandiri-clickpay-charge.php">
    <div id="mandiriclickpay" class="channel">
        <div class="list-chacode">
                    <div class="text-chacode">Challenge Code 1</div>
                    <input type="text" id="CHALLENGE_CODE_1" name="CHALLENGE_CODE_1" readonly="true" required/>
                    <div class="clear"></div>
                    <div class="text-chacode">Challenge Code 2</div>
                    <div class="num-chacode">0000100000</div>
                    <input type="hidden" name="CHALLENGE_CODE_2" value="0000100000"/>
                    <div class="clear"></div>
                    <div class="text-chacode">Challenge Code 3</div>
                    <div class="num-chacode" id="challenge_div_3"></div>
                    <input type="hidden" name="CHALLENGE_CODE_3" id="CHALLENGE_CODE_3" value=""/>
                    <div class="clear"></div>
                <div class="clear"></div>
        <div class="validasi">
            <div class="styled-input fleft width50">
                <input type="text" required="" name="response_token">
                <label>Respon Token</label>
            <div class="clear"></div>
        <input type="hidden" name="invoice_no" value="invoice_1458547984">
        <input type="button" value="Process Payment" class="default-btn" onclick="this.form.submit();">

    Step 3: Insert the template script where you wish the payment form to appear on your website.

    Step 4: When completed correctly, the payment form should appear as seen below, and you may start receiving payments using Mandiri Clickpay immediately.

    Mandiri Click Pay Payment form

    Once your customer has input their Mandiri Clickpay data and clicked the “Process Payment” button, the data will be processed on DOKU. The DOKU server responds to the browser, and the data will be posted to the merchant server, according to the URL set in you action form.

    Step 5

    <?php require_once('../Doku.php');
    Doku_Initiate::$sharedKey = '<Put Your Shared Key Here>';
    Doku_Initiate::$mallId = '<Put Your Merchant Code Here>';
    $params = array('amount' => '100000.00', 'invoice' => $_POST['invoice_no']);
    $cc = str_replace(" - ", "", $_POST['cc_number']);
    $words = Doku_Library::doCreateWords($params);
    $customer = array('name' => 'TEST NAME', 'data_phone' => '08121111111', 'data_email' => '', 'data_address' => 'bojong gede #1 08/01');
    $basket[] = array('name' => 'sayur', 'amount' => '10000.00', 'quantity' => '1', 'subtotal' => '10000.00');
    $basket[] = array('name' => 'buah', 'amount' => '10000.00', 'quantity' => '1', 'subtotal' => '10000.00');
    $dataPayment = array('req_mall_id' => '1', 'req_chain_merchant' => 'NA', 'req_amount' => $params['amount'], 'req_words' => $words, 'req_purchase_amount' => $params['amount'], 'req_trans_id_merchant' => $_POST['invoice_no'], 'req_request_date_time' => date('YmdHis'), 'req_currency' => '360', 'req_purchase_currency' => '360', 'req_session_id' => sha1(date('YmdHis')), 'req_name' => $customer['name'], 'req_payment_channel' => '02', 'req_email' => $customer['data_email'], 'req_card_number' => $cc, 'req_basket' => $basket, 'req_challenge_code_1' => $_POST['CHALLENGE_CODE_1'], 'req_challenge_code_2' => $_POST['CHALLENGE_CODE_2'], 'req_challenge_code_3' => $_POST['CHALLENGE_CODE_3'], 'req_response_token' => $_POST['response_token'], 'req_mobile_phone' => $customer['data_phone'], 'req_address' => $customer['data_address']);
    $response = Doku_Api::doDirectPayment($dataPayment);
    if($response->res_response_code == '0000'){
        echo 'PAYMENT SUCCESS -- ';
        echo 'PAYMENT FAILED -- ';

    Step 5: You can retrieve the posted data from the form within your server. Then send the payment request to the DOKU server to be processed using our function sample.

    Response sample

    "res_bank":"MANDIRI CLICK PAY",
    "res_message":"PAYMENT APPROVED",

    Step 6: DOKU server will send payment response in JSON.



    Action URL Description
    generateCode for 8 digits request for 11 digits request

    Request Parameters

    Name Type Length Description
    req_mall_id or req_merchant_code N Given by DOKU. Use "req_mall_id" for VA or Mandiri Clickpay payment channel. Use "req_merchant_code" for Credit Card or DOKU Wallet payment channel.
    req_chain_merchant N Given by DOKU, if not using Chain, default value is "NA"
    req_amount N 12.2 Total amount. Eg:10000.00
    req_purchase_amount N 12.2 Total amount. Eg:10000.00
    req_trans_id_merchant or req_transaction_id AN …30 Transaction ID from Merchant. Use "req_trans_id_merchant" for VA or Mandiri Clickpay payment channel. Use "req_transaction_id" for Credit Card or DOKU Wallet payment channel.
    req_words AN …200 Hashed key combination encryption (use SHA1 method). For credit card, combined parameters value in order: req_amount+req_merchant_code+(shared key)+req_transaction_id+req_purchase_currency+token_id+pairing_code. For Mandiri ClickPay, combined parameters value in order: req_amount+req_mall_id+(shared key)+req_trans_id_merchant+req_currency
    req_request_date_time N 14 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
    req_currency N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    req_purchase_currency N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    req_session_id AN …48 Session ID from Merchant
    req_name AN …50 Travel arranger name / buyer name
    req_email ANS …100 Customer email
    req_basket ANS …1024 Show transaction description. Use comma to separate each field and semicolon for each item. Item 1, 1000.00.,2,20000,00;item2,15000.00,2,30000.00
    token_id AN Sent by DOKU during getToken process
    req_shipping_address ANS …100 Shipping address contains street and number
    req_shipping_city ANS …100 City name
    req_shipping_state AN …100 State / province name
    req_shipping_country A 2 ISO3166, alpha-2. Mandatory for credit card and DOKU Wallet payment
    req_shipping_zip_code N …10 Zip Code. Mandatory for credit card and DOKU Wallet payment
    req_payment_channel N 2 See payment channel code
    req_address ANS …100 Home address contains street and number. Mandatory for credit card and DOKU Wallet payment
    req_city ANS …100 City name
    req_state AN …100 State / province name
    req_country A 2 ISO3166, alpha-2
    req_zip_code N …10 Zip Code
    req_mobile_phone ANS …15 Home Phone
    req_work_phone ANS …13 Work Phone / Office Phone
    req_birth_date N …8 YYYYMMDD
    req_form_type AN Full/Inline
    req_domain_valid ANS Merchant's website domain
    req_timeout N Timeout transactions in minutes
    req_bin_filter ANS Example: "42*1", "4?3??3","411111","5*"
    req_expiry_time N VA number expiry time. Default is '360'

    Additional Parameters for Airline Merchant

    Name Type Length Description
    req_flight N 2 01 for Domestic, 02 for International
    req_flight_type N 1 0 : One Way, 1 : Return, 2 : Transit, 3 : Transit & Return, 4 : Multiple Cities
    req_booking_code AN …20 Booking code generated by Airline
    req_vat N Total VAT. Eg: 10000.00
    req_insurance N Total Insurance. Eg: 10000.00
    req_fuel_surcharge N Total fuel surcharge. Eg: 10000.00
    req_route AN …50 List of route using format XXX-YYY (from XXX to YYY). E.g. : CGK-DPS
    req_flight_date N 8 List of flight date using format YYYYMMDD
    req_flight_time N 6 List of flight time using format HHMMSS
    req_flight_number AN …30 List of flight number using IATA Standard. XXYYYY (XX = Airline Name, YYYY = Flight Number)
    req_passenger_name AN …50 List of passenger name in one booking code
    req_passenger_type AN 1 List of passenger type in one booking. A : Adult, C : Child
    req_ff_number AN …1024 Frequent Flyer Number
    req_thirdparty_status ANS 1 0 : Travel Arranger joins the flight, 1 : Travel Arranger does not join the flight

    Additional Parameters for Credit Card Installment

    Name Type Length Description
    req_installment_acquirer N 3 Acquirer code for installment
    req_tenor N 2 Number of month to pay the installment
    req_plan_id N 3 Promotion ID from the bank for the current merchant
    req_installment_off_us AN 1 Default value null for on-us installment. For off-us installment send "O"

    Additional Parameters for Tokenization

    Name Type Length Description
    req_customer_id AN …16 Merchant’s customer identifier

    Additional Parameters for Authorize & Capture

    Name Type Length Description
    req_authorize_expiry_date N 6 Expiry time of the payment Authorization (in minutes). Maximum is 15 days
    req_payment_type N …10 Please enter ‘A’ for Authorize
    req_approval_code Received from DOKU during Authorize process

    Other API & Callback

    Other Payment Request

    Endpoint HTTP Method Definition
    /Suite/ReceiveMIP POST To check the status of a Transaction, Merchant server send request to DOKU server where DOKU server will response with Transaction Status in XML format.

    Other Payment Request Parameter

    Parameter Type Length Description
    MALLID N 10 Merchant ID given by Doku
    CHAINMERCHANT N 8 Given by Doku. If not using Chain, use value: NA
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. Eg: 10000.00
    PURCHASEAMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. Eg: 10000.00
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    WORDS AN 254 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order:
    AMOUNT+MALLID+SHAREDKEY+TRANSIDMERCHANT For transaction with currency other than 360 (IDR), use:
    For Shared Key, refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166, numeric code
    PURCHASECURRENCY N 3 ISO3166, numeric code
    SESSIONID AN 48 Merchant can use this parameter for additional validation, DOKU will return the value in other response process.
    NAME AN 128 Customer / Buyer name
    EMAIL ANS 100 Customer / Buyer email
    USERIDKLIKBCA ANS 12 Customer KLIKBCA user ID. Mandatory for KLIKBCA payment
    ADDITIONALDATA ANS 1024 Custom additional data for specific merchant use
    BASKET ANS 1024 Show transaction description. Use comma to separate each field and semicolon for each item. E.g. Item1,1000.00,2,20000.00;item2,15000.00,2,30000.00
    PAYMENTCHANNEL N 2 See Payment Channel Code
    EXPIRYTIME N 14 Expiry time for BNI Yap bill. Format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS

    Other Payment Response sample

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Other Payment Response

    Request will be responded in XML format.

    Parameter Type Length description
    RESPONSECODE N 4 Request response code
    RESPONSEMSG A ..20 Request message

    Check Status Request

    Endpoint HTTP Method Definition
    /Suite/CheckStatus POST To check the status of a Transaction, Merchant server send request to DOKU server where DOKU server will response with Transaction Status in XML format.

    Check Status Request Parameter

    Parameter Type Length Description
    MALLID N 10 Merchant ID given by Doku
    CHAINMERCHANT N 8 Given by Doku. By default NA
    SESSIONID AN 48 Original value from Sale Request
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 40 Transaction ID from Merchant
    WORDS AN 254 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order:
    2. Has Rate or Has Purchase Currency and Purchase Currency not equals to 360:
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    PAYMENTCHANNEL 2 See Payment Channel Code section
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    PURCHASECURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    PAYMENTTYPE N AUTHORIZATION, or CAPTURE. If not sent, last transaction will be responded

    Check Status Response

    DOKU will echo payment status in XML format.

    Check Status Response (Sample)

        <BANK>Bank BNI</BANK>
    Parameter Type Length Description
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. Eg: 10000.00
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    WORDS AN 200 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order: AMOUNT+MALLID+SHAREDKEY+TRANSIDMERCHANT+RESULTMSG+VERIFYSTATUS
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    RESPONSECODE* N 4 0000: Success, others Failed
    APPROVALCODE AN 20 Transaction number from bank
    PAYMENTCHANNEL N 2 See payment channel code list
    PAYMENTCODE N 8 Virtual Account identifier for VA transaction. Has value if using Channel that has payment code.
    SESSIONID AN 48 DOKU will return the value from Payment Request.
    BANK AN 100 Bank Issuer
    MCN ANS 16 Masked card number
    VERIFYID N 30 Generated by Fraud Screening (RequestID)
    VERIFYSCORE N 3 -1 or 0 to 100
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    PURCHASECURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    CHNAME AN 50 Cardholder Name
    EDUSTATUS A 10 Manual Fraud Review, value : APPROVE / REJECT / NA (default)

    * Main identifier of transaction success / failed

    Inquiry Callback

    Inquiry is used only for Direct Inquiry Virtual Account flow. Merchant should inform the URL where DOKU server will send inquiry request. You can configure the URL in "Identify URL" on DOKU Merchant Dashboard Settings. Example:

    Inquiry Parameters Sent

    Parameter Type Length Description
    MALLID N 10 Merchant ID given by Doku
    CHAINMERCHANT N 8 Given by Doku. By default NA
    PAYMENTCHANNEL N 2 See Payment Channel Code
    PAYMENTCODE N 8 Virtual Account identifier for VA transaction
    WORDS AN 200 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order:
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value

    Merchant Inquiry Response

    DOKU will expect response Inquiry from merchant in XML format with these parameters:

    Inquiry Response (Sample)

        <NAME>Nama Lengkap</NAME>
        <BASKET>ITEM 1,10000.00,2,20000.00;ITEM 2,20000.00,4,80000.00</BASKET>
    Parameter Type Length Description
    PAYMENTCODE N 16 Virtual Account identifier for VA transaction
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. If open amount, please set 0. Eg: 10000.00
    PURCHASEAMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. If open amount, please set 0. E.g.: 10000.00
    MINAMOUNT N 12.2 If merchant implement open amount scheme, it is suggested to set this parameter. e.g.: 10000.00
    MAXAMOUNT N 12.2 If merchant implement open amount scheme, it is suggested to set this parameter. e.g. 500000.00
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 48 Transaction ID from Merchant
    WORDS AN 254 Hashed key combination encryption (use SHA1 method). The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order: AMOUNT+MALLID+SHAREDKEY+TRANSIDMERCHANT
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    PURCHASECURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    SESSIONID AN 48 DOKU will return the value from Payment Request
    NAME AN 50 Customer / Buyer name
    EMAIL ANS 100 Customer / Buyer email
    BASKET ANS 1024 Show transaction description. Use comma to separate each field and semicolon for each item. E.g. Item1,1000.00,2,20000.00;item2,15000.00,2,30000.00
    ADDITIONALDATA ANS 1024 Custom additional data for specific merchant use
    RESPONSECODE N 4 3000 = Bill not found
    3001 = Decline
    3002 = Bill already paid
    3004 = Account number / Bill was expired
    3006 = VA Number not found
    0000 = Success
    9999 = Internal Error / Failed

    Capture Request

    Endpoint HTTP Method Definition
    /Suite/CaptureRequest POST Capture is to confirm Authorize transaction.

    Capture Request Parameter

    Parameter Type Length Description
    MALLID N 10 Merchant ID given by Doku
    CHAINMERCHANT N 8 Given by Doku. By default NA
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    APPROVALCODE N 20 Transaction ID from Bank
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. e.g.: 10000.00
    PURCHASEAMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. e.g.: 10000.00
    CURRENCY AN 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    PURCHASECURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    SESSIONID AN 48 Original value from Authorization request
    WORDS N 254 Hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order : MALLID++TRANSIDMERCHANT+SESSIONID
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    PAYMENTCHANNEL AN 2 Only for Credit Card (15)

    Capture Response

    Capture response sample

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    Parameter Type Length Description
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total amount. Eg: 10000.00
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    WORDS AN 200 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order: AMOUNT+MALLID+SHAREDKEY+TRANSIDMERCHANT+RESULTMSG
    For transaction with currency other than 360 (IDR), use :
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    RESPONSECODE* N 4 0000: Success, others Failed
    APPROVALCODE AN 20 Transaction number from bank
    PAYMENTCHANNEL N 2 See Payment Channel Code
    SESSIONID AN 48 DOKU will return the value from Payment Request.
    MCN ANS 16 Masked card number
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    PURCHASECURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code

    * Main identifier of transaction success / failed

    Void Request

    Endpoint HTTP Method Definition
    /Suite/VoidRequest POST Void is a feature to cancel successful unsettled transaction.

    Void Request Parameter

    Parameter Type Length Description
    MALLID N 10 Merchant ID given by Doku
    CHAINMERCHANT N 8 Given by Doku. By default NA
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    SESSIONID AN 48 Original value from Sale Request
    WORDS AN 254 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order:
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    PAYMENTCHANNEL N 2 See Payment Channel Code list

    Void Response sample

      FAILED;Transaction Not Found

    Void Response

    Void response will be in plain text.

    Response Description
    SUCCESS Void request success
    FAILED;[error message] error message: "Transaction Not Found" or "Transaction Cannot Void"

    Refund Request

    Endpoint HTTP Method Definition
    /Suite/DoRefundRequest POST Refund allows Merchant to Refund Sale & Installment on-us Transaction

    Refund Request Parameter

    Parameter Type Length Description
    MALLID N 10 Merchant ID given by Doku
    CHAINMERCHANT N 8 Given by Doku. By default NA
    REFIDMERCHANT N 30 New Refund Transaction ID from Merchant
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Original Transaction ID from Merchant
    APPROVALCODE AN 20 Transaction number from Bank
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total VOID / REFUND amount
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166, numeric code
    REFUNDTYPE N 2 01 = Full Refund, 02 = Partial Refund Credit (Credit to customer account), 03 = Partial Refund Debit (debit from customer account)
    SESSIONID AN 48 Merchant can use this parameter for additional validation, DOKU will return the value in other response process
    WORDS AN 254 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order:
    For transaction with currency other than 360 (IDR), use :
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    REASON ANS 256 Reason for Refund
    BANKDATA ANS 256 Additional Data
    DATA1 ANS 256 Additional Data
    DATA2 ANS 256 Additional Data
    DATA3 ANS 256 Additional Data
    DATA4 ANS 256 Additional Data

    Refund Response

    Refund Response Sample

    Parameter Description
    RESPONSECODE Refund response code
    RESPONSEMSG Refund status
    TRANSIDMERCHANT Transaction ID from Merchant
    REFNUM Reference number
    SESSIONID Refund session ID
    REFIDMERCHANT Refund ID from Merchant

    Cancellation Request

    Endpoint HTTP Method Definition
    /Suite/DoCancelRequest POST Cancellation allows Merchant to cancel Sale transaction regardless of its settlement status

    Cancellation Request Parameter

    Parameter Type Length Description
    MALLID N 10 Merchant ID given by Doku
    REFIDMERCHANT N 30 New Refund Transaction ID from Merchant
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Original Transaction ID from Merchant
    APPROVALCODE AN 20 Transaction number from Bank
    AMOUNT N 12.2 Total VOID / REFUND amount
    CURRENCY N 3 ISO3166 , numeric code
    REFUNDTYPE N 2 If Partial Refund Debit (debit from customer account), it’s mandatory to enter ‘03’. Otherwise, value in this parameter is not needed
    SESSIONID AN 48 Merchant can use this parameter for additional validation, DOKU will return the value in other response process
    WORDS AN 254 Hashed key combination encryption. The hashed key generated from combining these parameters value in this order:
    For transaction with currency other than 360 (IDR), use :
    Refer to Shared Key Hashed Value
    REASON ANS 256 Reason for Refund
    BANKDATA ANS 256 Additional Data
    DATA1 ANS 256 Additional Data
    DATA2 ANS 256 Additional Data
    DATA3 ANS 256 Additional Data
    DATA4 ANS 256 Additional Data

    Refund Response

    Cancellation Response (Sample)

    Parameter Type Length Description
    TRANSIDMERCHANT AN 30 Transaction ID from Merchant
    RESPONSECODE N 4 0000: Success, others Failed
    REFNUM AN 6 Transaction number from bank
    SESSIONID AN 48 Original value from Sale Request.
    REFIDMERCHANT AN 100 New Refund Transaction ID from Merchant

    Response Code

    This response codes are not meant for customer. It’s for merchant’s benefits. Merchant must always treat declined transactions as the customer is required to contact their Bank Issuer for the declined credit card. This data is very confidential. Do not reproduce in any kind to public view. Fail to do so will void merchant’s account.

    DOKU General Response Code

    Response Code Description
    0000 Successful approval
    0001 Failed
    5501 Payment channel not registered
    5502 Merchant Payment Channel is disabled
    5503 Maximum attempt 3 times
    5504 WORDS not match
    5505 Invalid parameter
    5506 Notify failed
    5507 Invalid parameter detected / Customer click cancel process
    5508 Re-enter transaction
    5509 Payment code already expired
    5510 Cancel by customer
    5511 Not an error, transaction has not been paid
    5512 Insufficient parameter
    5513 Voided by system
    5514 High Risk or Rejected by fraud system
    5515 Duplicate PNR
    5516 Transaction not found
    5517 Error in authorization process
    5518 Error parsing XML
    5519 Stop at 3D secure page
    5520 Register / Scheduler Transaction failed
    5521 Invalid merchant
    5522 Rates were not found
    5523 Failed to get transaction status
    5524 Failed to reverse transaction
    5525 Transaction can not be processed
    5526 Transaction timeout to or from acquirer
    5527 Transaction will be processed as Off Us installment
    5529 Invalid merchant
    5530 Internal server error
    5531 Pairing code does not exist
    5532 Invalid payment channel
    5533 Failed to inquiry list of fund
    5534 Invalid pairing code
    5535 Invalid token
    5536 Time out
    5537 Invalid currency
    5538 Invalid purchase currency
    5539 3D Secure enrollment check failed
    5540 3D Secure authentication failed
    5541 Form type is not valid
    5542 Duplicate transaction ID
    5543 Please check 3D Secure result
    5544 Failed to delete token
    5545 Failed to void
    5547 BIN is not allowed in promo
    5548 Invalid parameter
    5549 Invalid domain
    5550 Invalid IP address
    5551 Merchant does not use 1-click service
    5552 Invalid token expire
    5553 Failed to tokenize / generate merchant key
    5554 Off-Us Reward process
    5555 Undefined error / Failed to decrypt
    5556 Tokenization Failed
    5557 Merchant does not have tokenization credential
    5558 Cannot capture to System
    5559 Batch list is null
    5560 Batch ID is already available
    5561 OCO ID is not exist
    5562 Failed settlement
    5563 Failed parsing PARES
    5564 Batch ID not found in transaction
    5565 Feature for master merchant id
    5566 Invalid amount parameter captured
    5567 Failed do re-notify
    5568 Failed Refund
    5569 Void/Refund amount is not Valid
    5570 Transaction is canceled by merchant
    5571 Failed Register Paycode
    5572 No response
    5573 Failed create bill
    5574 Merchant not found or not active
    5575 Transaction already voided
    003D Wrong OTP or customer did not continue the transaction at 3D Secure page
    00BA Blocked by Acquirer
    00BB BIN blocking, because card origin was not allowed to go through the payment
    0098 3D Secure failure -- The card does not support 3D Secure
    00UA Failed 3DS authentication, could be caused by issuer or customer
    00RJ Reject from Fraud Screening System

    Credit Card Response Code

    Credit card transaction response code can be checked in this URL:

    Mandiri Clickpay Response Code

    Response Code Description
    0001 Internal system error: cannot parse message
    0002 Internal system error: unmatched signature hash
    0003 Internal system error: Cannot process message
    0004 Internal system error: Error on field
    0005 Internal system error: Transaction not found
    0006 Internal system error: Create VPA response error
    0101 Internal system error: Create velis-authenticator message
    0102 Internal system error: Runtime try/catch error when creating VTCPStream
    0103 Internal system error: Cannot connect to velis-authenticator
    0104 Internal system error: Send request to velis-authenticator failed
    0105 Internal system error: Waiting response from velis-authenticator failed
    0106 Internal system error: Read response from velis-authenticator failed
    0107 Internal system error: Parse response from velis-authenticator failed
    0108 Internal system error: Signature key from velis-authenticator is invalid
    1101 User not registered: Channel not register in database (not found)
    1102 User not registered: User not active
    1103 User not registered: User has deleted
    1104 User not registered: User not found
    1105 User not registered: Channel for User not active
    1106 User not registered: Channel for User has deleted - no access
    1107 User not registered: Channel for User not register / not found
    1108 User has blocked: User has disabled
    1109 User has blocked
    1110 User has blocked: Channel for User has disabled
    1111 User has blocked: Channel for User has blocked
    1112 User already activated: User has invalid status (or already active)
    1113 User already activated: Channel for User has invalid status (or already active)
    1114 Invalid token: Token of User not active
    1115 Invalid token: Token of User has disable
    1116 Invalid token: Token of User has deleted
    1117 Invalid token: Token of User not found
    1118 Invalid token: Method CR not allowed for Token of User
    1119 Invalid token: Method RO not allowed for Token of User
    1120 Invalid token: Method SG not allowed for Token of User
    1121 Invalid token: Device Token Type not valid (only support VS = VASCO Token)
    1122 Invalid token response: Code Not Verified
    1123 Invalid token response: Code Replay Attempt
    1124 Invalid token response: Challenge Too Small
    1125 Invalid token response: Challenge Too Long
    1126 Invalid token response: Challenge Check Digit Wrong (Host Check Challenge Mode)
    1127 Invalid token response: Challenge Character Not Decimal
    1128 Invalid token response: Challenge Corrupt (Host Check Challenge Mode)
    1129 Invalid token response: Response Length Out of Bounds
    1130 Invalid token response: Response Too Small
    1131 Invalid token response: Response Too Long
    1126 Invalid token response: Challenge Check Digit Wrong (Host Check Challenge Mode)
    1127 Invalid token response: Challenge Character Not Decimal
    1128 Invalid token response: Challenge Corrupt (Host Check Challenge Mode)
    1129 Invalid token response: Response Length Out of Bounds
    1130 Invalid token response: Response Too Small
    1131 Invalid token response: Response Too Long
    1132 Invalid token response: Response Check Digit Wrong
    1133 Invalid token response: Response Character Not Decimal
    1134 Invalid token response: Response Character Not Hexadecimal
    1135 Invalid token response: Token Authentication Failed
    1199 Receive error response from VA
    0201 Internal system error: Create DSP-ISO message failed
    0202 Internal system error: No active DSPSession
    0203 Internal system error: Cannot send request to DSP-Silverlake
    0204 Internal system error: Waiting response from DSP-Silverlake
    0205 Internal system error: Read response from DSP-Silverlake without bit 39
    0206 Internal system error: Read response from DSP-Silverlake without bit126
    0207 Invalid card number: Card number not belong to this CIF
    2101 Invalid card number: Card not found
    2102 Not enough balance
    2103 Invalid customer account
    2104 DSP-Silverlake system error
    2199 Receive error response from DSP-Silverlake
    0301 Internal system error: Cannot connect to VAM
    3101 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (tc)
    3102 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (userid)
    3103 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (trace number)
    3104 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (reference number)
    3105 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (datetime)
    3106 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (merchantid)
    3107 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (bankid)
    3108 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (item detail)
    3109 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (amount)
    3110 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (challenge)
    3111 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (authentication)
    3112 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (signature)
    3113 Invalid XML request: Invalid data XML (aggregator)
    3114 Invalid XML request: Error parse XML
    3115 Invalid XML request: XML data is null
    3116 Invalid XML request: Unmatched signature request
    3117 Invalid XML request: Cannot find Aggregator
    3118 User already registered: Duplicate UserID
    3119 Customer account not found: Cannot find customer account
    3120 Not registered UserID
    3121 Daily transaction limit is reached
    3122 Maximum transaction limit is reached
    3123 Transaction payment rejected: Invalid limit configuration
    3124 Transaction payment rejected: Cannot find Merchant ID
    3125 Transaction payment rejected: Inactive merchant
    3126 Transaction payment rejected: Cannot find Bank Commission
    3127 Transaction payment rejected: Cannot find Bank Commission Tearing
    3128 Transaction payment rejected: Cannot find Aggregator Commission
    3129 Transaction payment rejected: Cannot find Aggregator Commission T earing
    3130 Transaction payment rejected: Duplicate Transaction request
    3131 Reversal rejected: Cannot find original data for reversal
    3132 Reversal rejected: Cannot find merchant account for reversal
    3133 Registration failed: Failed add customer channel
    3134 Unregistered failed: Failed remove customer channel
    3135 Merchant registration failed: Duplicate Merchant
    3201 Error init database
    3202 Error write to database
    4000 No connection to Aggregator
    9000 Other error
    9013 Unable to send request to bank

    DOKU Wallet Response Code

    Response Code Description
    0E01 Failed Get Merchant
    0E02 Master Merchant Inactive
    0E03 Invalid Words from Merchant
    0E04 Invalid Merchant
    0E05 Failed to Process Payment
    0E06 Payment Method not Defined
    0E07 Failed to Execute Pre Auth Plugins
    0E08 Failed to Execute Post Auth Plugins
    0E09 Invalid Pay ID
    0E10 Error Pay ID
    0E11 Failed to Execute Pre Trans Pre Trans MIP Plugins
    0E12 Verify Response STOP From Merchant
    0E13 Failed Verify to Merchant
    0E14 Failed Send Payment Cash Wallet
    0E15 Notify Response STOP From Merchant
    0E16 Failed Notify to Merchant
    0E18 Failed to Execute Post Trans MIP Plugins
    0E19 Not Enough Cash Balance and Don't Have Credit Card
    0E20 Spender Does Not Have Link to Credit Card
    0E21 Error Check 3D Secure Credit Card
    0E22 PIN/OTP Is Not Valid
    0E23 Please Input CVV2
    0E24 Invalid Session
    0E25 Failed to Send Link Authentication to Card Holder
    0E26 Insufficient Params
    0E27 Failed to Execute Pre Trans CIP Plugins
    0E28 Failed to Execute Post Trans CIP Plugins
    0E29 Failed to Send Payment MIP Credit Card
    0E30 You Do Not Have PIN
    0E31 Duplicate Invoice No
    0E32 URL Not Found
    0E33 Customer Not Found
    0E34 Void Process Failed
    0E35 Failed Send ONE TIME PIN to your email
    0E36 Failed Send Link to create PIN to your email
    0E37 This Spender Cannot Transact in This Merchant
    0E38 You Have Reach Your DOKU ID Transaction Limit
    0E39 Process MIP Transaction Failed
    0E99 Error System

    BRI e-Pay Response Code

    Response Code Description
    0001 Failed to notify Merchant
    0020 General error
    0021 Wrong password
    0022 Wrong paycode
    0023 Transaction cancelled
    0024 User ID is being used
    0025 User has not registered M-Token
    0026 Timeout
    0027 Invalid parameter
    0028 User ID is being blocked
    0029 User ID not found
    0030 Transaction limit exceeded
    0031 User not found
    0032 Failed to show BRI pop up (deprecated)
    0033 Failed to show BRI pop up (deprecated)
    0048 Failed to redirect to BRI e-Pay
    0066 Page already redirected back to DOKU but not getting any payment result from BRI (not getting notify and not getting response from 3 times check status)

    Alfa / Indomaret / Permata / Mandiri / Sinarmas VA Response Code

    Response Code Description
    0001 Decline (internal error)
    0013 Invalid amount
    0014 Bill not found
    0066 Decline
    0088 Bill already paid

    Payment Channel Code

    Code Description
    02 Mandiri ClickPay
    03 KlikBCA
    04 DOKU Wallet
    06 BRI e-Pay
    15 Credit Card
    16 Credit Card Tokenization
    17 Recurring Payment
    18 BCA KlikPay
    19 CIMB Clicks
    22 Sinarmas VA
    23 MOTO
    25 Muamalat Internet Banking
    26 Danamon Internet Banking
    28 Permata Internet Banking
    29 BCA VA
    31 Indomaret
    32 CIMB VA
    33 Danamon VA
    34 BRI VA
    35 Alfa VA
    36 Permata VA
    37 Kredivo
    38 BNI VA
    39 Linepay ECash
    41 Mandiri VA
    42 QNB VA
    43 BTN VA
    44 Maybank VA
    45 BNI Yap!
    47 Arta Jasa VA

    Test Data & Simulator

    Credit or Debit Card

    Please use Expiry and CVV below:

    Exp CVV
    02 / 22 123


    Scenario Card number
    3DS Success 5481 1611 1111 1081
    3DS Rejected by DOKU 5110 1111 1111 1119
    3DS Rejected by Bank 5210 1111 1111 1118
    Non 3DS Success 5211 1111 1111 1117
    Non 3DS Rejected by DOKU 5111 1111 1111 1118
    Non 3DS Rejected by Bank 5410 1111 1111 1116


    Scenario Card Number
    3DS Success 4011 1111 1111 1111
    3DS Rejected by DOKU 4111 1111 1111 1112
    3DS Rejected by Bank 4211 1111 1111 1110
    Non 3DS Success 4811 1111 1111 1114
    Non 3DS Rejected by DOKU 4911 1111 1111 1113
    Non 3DS Rejected by Bank 4411 1111 1111 1118

    Bank Specific Card


    Scenario Visa Mastercard
    3DS Success 4617 0069 5974 6656 5573 3810 7219 6900
    Non 3DS Success 4617 0017 4194 2101 5573 3819 9982 5417


    Scenario Visa Mastercard
    3DS Success 4105 0586 8948 1467 5264 2210 3887 4659
    Non 3DS Success 4105 0525 4151 2148 5264 2249 7176 1016

    CIMB Niaga

    Scenario Visa Mastercard
    3DS Success 4599 2078 8712 2414 5481 1698 1883 2479
    Non 3DS Success 4599 2039 9705 2898 5481 1671 2103 2563


    Scenario Visa Mastercard
    3DS Success 4773 7760 5705 1650 5229 9031 3685 3172
    Non 3DS Success 4773 7738 1098 1190 5229 9073 6430 3610


    Scenario Visa Mastercard
    3DS Success 4365 0263 3573 7199 5520 0298 7089 9100
    Non 3DS Success 4365 0278 6723 2690 5520 0254 8646 8439


    Scenario Visa Mastercard
    3DS Success 4055 7720 2603 6004 5520 0867 5210 2334
    Non 3DS Success 4055 7713 3514 4012 5520 0867 7490 8452

    Virtual Account Simulator

    Payment Channel Payment Channel Code Simulator URL
    Permata VA 36
    BCA VA 29
    Mandiri VA 41
    Sinarmas 22
    CIMB VA 32
    Danamon VA 33
    BRI VA 34
    BNI VA 40
    BNI Bill payment
    Alfa 35
    Indomaret 31
    Maybank 44

    Internet Banking Simulator

    Payment Channel Username / Card Number Token / Password
    Mandiri Clickpay 4111111111111111 000000
    PermataNet admin admin
    KlikBCA admin 123456
    BRI e-pay irfani 100291
    CIMB Clicks config per merchant by DOKU config per merchant by DOKU
    IB Muamalat admin admin
    IB Danamon admin admin

    DOKU Wallet Simulator

    DOKU ID Password PIN
    1909800024 dokutes123 1122

    Going Live

    (1) Make sure that you already test all scenarios required.

    (2) Change your development shared key with production shared key. You can see your shared key in DOKU Merchant dashboard.

    (3) For Merchant Hosted integrated, please change js and css URL to production URL below:

    (4) Change staging API URL ( to production API URL (


    Document version 1.0

    July 31, 2018

    Initial document